Pulsar Turbo PSR2867 GEN2 Dual Ball Bearing T25, 5 Bolt 0.64 A/R Stamping 7.4PSI

Pulsar Turbo PSR2867 GEN2 Dual Ball Bearing T25, 5 Bolt 0.64 A/R Stamping 7.4PSI
Pulsar Turbo PSR2867 GEN2 Dual Ball Bearing T25, 5 Bolt 0.64 A/R Stamping 7.4PSI
Pulsar Turbo PSR2867 GEN2 Dual Ball Bearing T25, 5 Bolt 0.64 A/R Stamping 7.4PSI
Pulsar Turbo PSR2867 GEN2 Dual Ball Bearing T25, 5 Bolt 0.64 A/R Stamping 7.4PSI
Pulsar Turbo PSR2867 GEN2 Dual Ball Bearing T25, 5 Bolt 0.64 A/R Stamping 7.4PSI
Pulsar Turbo PSR2867 GEN2 Dual Ball Bearing T25, 5 Bolt 0.64 A/R Stamping 7.4PSI
Pulsar Turbo PSR2867 GEN2 Dual Ball Bearing T25, 5 Bolt 0.64 A/R Stamping 7.4PSI
Pulsar Turbo PSR2867 GEN2 Dual Ball Bearing T25, 5 Bolt 0.64 A/R Stamping 7.4PSI
Pulsar Turbo PSR2867 GEN2 Dual Ball Bearing T25, 5 Bolt 0.64 A/R Stamping 7.4PSI
Pulsar Turbo PSR2867 GEN2 Dual Ball Bearing T25, 5 Bolt 0.64 A/R Stamping 7.4PSI

$736.46 Buy It Now or Best Offer
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Seller Store pulsarturbos
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Location: Wuxi
Ships to: US,
Item: 295300936098

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Turbine housing Inlet:T25
Hersteller:Pulsar Turbo Systems
Turbine housing Outlet:5 Bolt
Oberflächenbeschaffenheit:Billet Dual ball bearing
Material::High quality stainless steel
Produkttyp:Pulsar Turbo PSR2867 GEN2
OE/OEM Referenznummer(n):849894-5002S
Herstellergarantie:1 Year
Turbine housing A/R:0.64

Pulsar Turbo Dual Ceramic Ball Bearing Turbo PSR2867 GENII Billet Compressor Wheel High Horsepower Turbine Wheel T25 Inlet, 5 Bolt Outlet 0.64 A/R Stamping 7.4psi Making 275-550 HP -Application:Fit Vehicle: Universal turbo for performance use, racing car, etc.Fit engine displacement 1.4-2.5L. -Features:8 Blade Gen2 Billet Compressor Wheel with Extended Tapered Tip TechnologyInconel 713c 9-blade Turbine WheelGen2 Cover Integrated with the Speed Sensor PortMax Air Flow rate: ~45 lb/min, rated @ 550 FWHPStandard and T51R MOD all available -Item Details:Refer Part #: 849894-5002S 856800-5005S 856800-5006S 856800-5007S 856800-5008SDual Ceramic ball bearing;Billet Compressor Wheel:50/67mm, 8+0 Blades;Standard Compressor Housing: 0.6 A/R, Anti-surge;Turbine Wheel: 54/47mm;Turbine Housing: T25 inlet, 5 Bolt outlet, 0.64 A/R;Actuator: Stamping 7 psi.Oil Feed: -4 AN connect to the Oil RestrictorOil Drain: Std T3 FlangeWater In/Outlet: M14*1.5We highly recommend running water cooling for better durability. This listing comes with A T25 Inlet, 5 Bolt outlet 0.64 A/R Turbine housing default.Make sure to let me know if you need other turbine housing. -Other Pulsar Turbo PSR2867 GEN2 Options, Please Click on the link in the form.NO.Turbine housing OptionsNO.Turbine housing Options1T25 Inlet, 5 Bolt Outlet 0.64 A/R(Stamping 11.6psi)11T25 Inlet, 5 Bolt Outlet 0.86 A/R(Billet 7.4psi)2T25 Inlet, 5 Bolt Outlet 0.64 A/R(Stamping 7.4psi)12T25 Inlet, 5 Bolt Outlet 0.86 A/R(Billet 11.6psi)3T25 Inlet, 5 Bolt Outlet 0.64 A/R(Billet 14psi)13Stainless Steel Dual V-band 0.82 A/R4T25 Inlet, 5 Bolt Outlet 0.64 A/R(Stamping 14psi)14Stainless Steel Dual V-band 0.82 A/R+T25 Adapter5T25 Inlet, 5 Bolt Outlet 0.64 A/R(Billet 7.4psi)15Stainless Steel Dual V-band 0.82 A/R+T3 Adapter6T25 Inlet, 5 Bolt Outlet 0.64 A/R(Billet 11.6psi)16Stainless Steel Dual V-band 0.64 A/R7T25 Inlet, 5 Bolt Outlet 0.86 A/R(Stamping 11.6psi)17Stainless Steel Dual V-band 0.64 A/R+T25 Adapter8T25 Inlet, 5 Bolt Outlet 0.86 A/R(Stamping 7.4psi)18Stainless Steel Dual V-band 0.64 A/R+T3 Adapter9T25 Inlet, 5 Bolt Outlet 0.86 A/R(Billet 14psi)19Supercore10T25 Inlet, 5 Bolt Outlet 0.86 A/R(Stamping 14psi)20CHRA -Special Note:1. Professional install is highly recommended! Please ask all questions prior to purchase! Pulsar Turbo Systems PolicyPayment:1. We default accept PayPal. Please send eBay message to us if you would like to other methods. All major credit cards are accepted through secure payment processor PayPal.2. We usually keep the unpaid item only for 7 days. If you don’t want to buy it after you have placed an order, please also let us know. We could come to an agreement to cancel this transaction so that we’ll resolve this problem properly with both have no loss. Or please DO make your payment through PayPal as quickly as possible. Shipping:1. Once your payment is verified, your items will be shipped within 24-72 hours. No shipment on Weekends.2. We ship to your eBay address. Please make sure your eBay address is correct before you pay.3. You can choose faster shipping method, if the carrier can’t ship finally, we will cancel the order, or ship it via normal shipping method and refund the extra shipping cost.4. Item(s) might be sent out in multiple packages from our overseas warehouse via UPS, DHL, FedEx, etc. at our discretion, you are responsible for the import duty (If Any) upon delivery. Warranty:1. Return: Pulsar Turbo System provides 30 days money back or item exchange (buyer’s choice), but the buyers pay the return shipping. The item must be returned in the original packaging and in original condition in order to qualify for the exchange. Bidding is a legal contract and you agreed to this when you registered with eBay. Please don’t refuse shipment without communication. 2. Damaged Shipments:Please file a claim with the shipping company if goods arrive in a damaged condition. At the same time, also please notify Pulsar Turbo System with pertinent information. 3. Shortage or Discrepancy ClaimShortage or Discrepancy Claim must be reported within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of goods.Pulsar Turbo System will either issue a credit or send a replacement(s) at no charge. Please send eBay message to us for instructions on how to address shortages or discrepancies. 4. Limited WarrantyWe offer a 1-year manufacturer warranty from the date of purchase against all our products for defects in materials and workmanship. If an approved warranty claim is made, we will, at our sole discretion, either credit the original purchaser with an amount equal to the original purchase price or replace the applicable Turbocharger Product free of charge within 30 days of approval. This is the purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy and provides complete financial responsibility for a warranty claim. Please note individual components, rebuild kits, and upgrade kits are not covered by the warranty ONCE INSTALLED. This is due to our inability to determine the pre-existing condition of the turbocharger before the rebuild or installation process, as well as our inability to guarantee proper re-balancing and assembly of the turbochargers.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pulsar Turbo PSR2867 GEN2 Dual Ball Bearing T25, 5 Bolt 0.64 A/R Stamping 7.4PSI in My Website

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